A thirsty journey to revive lost water bodies

"Each lake is a masterpiece, a canvas painted by Earth's hand."


Kousika Neerkarangal

Kousika Neerkarangal has dedicated more than fifteen years to the watershed development and rejuvenation of Kousika River. This river holds significant archaeological, historical, and literary importance, yet it currently remains dry for a substantial part of the year. Our team strongly believes that the opportunity to revitalize and restore the Kousika River is a lifetime opportunity that nature has provided us. The initial phases of this ambitious journey are already in progress. Comprehensive surveys have been conducted on streams, dams, and lakes throughout the entire Kousika river basin. Kousika Neerkarangal has successfully established 15 autonomous people movements to safeguard water bodies in collaboration with local communities.

Water conservation

Water is the primary and essential need of every living organism

Save water

A drop of water is worth more than a sack of gold to a thirsty man

Scope of our work

Our work scope encompasses a diverse range of projects.

Revival of River Kousika

From the origin, throughout its course of 50+ km, we are working towards its holistic revival

Check dams and Rain water Recharge Wells

We are instrumental in constructing boulder checkdams and bore well recharges at microlevel

Rejuvenation of Waterbodies

We are now reviving 15+ waterbodies, predominantly in the drought prone regions of north Coimbatore

Reforms in Government Policies

In many fields including agriculture, water management we are continuously influencing policies of government

Our Way of Working

We prioritize teamwork and flexibility to achieve our goals

District Administration’s approval is the first step for us to adopt any waterbody

Bringing consensus among local community and forming a people’s movement that is waterbody specific

Assessing the requirements through manual and digital surveys and arriving at an action plan

Crowd funding and approaching CSR partners for implementation of action plan

Carrying out major earthmoving works

Horizontal hierarchy, inclusive way of working, and absolute transparency in accounts

Biodiversity assessment and enhancement

Ensuring sustainability through weekly field activities through volunteers/stakeholders


Our CSR Partners/Contributors


Waste is avoided through conservation


Volunteering hours


Direct Beneficiaries.


Number of trees planted and maintained.


crore liters
Water storage reclaimed through rejuvenation of waterbodies


Kousika Neerkarangal

Projects are actively underway, facilitated by these grassroots movements, with contributions from both the public and private sectors through crowd funding and CSR initiatives. While our primary focus remains to be restoration of Kousika River, our efforts extend to numerous water bodies in Tirupur and Coimbatore. This includes water bodies of diverse scales, from a 2 acre pond to a 200 acre lake. Additionally, we are collaborating closely with the government to influence policies and enhance the effectiveness of existing laws for the benefit of the ecosystem and people.

 We undoubtedly believe that our steadfast commitment towards this noble cause will lead to a triumphant success on this enduring journey.

our experts

Experience & our Professionals Team

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Incredible Team, Unmatched Excellence

Dr. Sameeran

District Collector(Ex) - Coimbatore

From Madukkarai to keeranatham to Kalingarayan Kulam till Kothavadi Lake, arms of Kousika Neerkarangal has been extending at a phase and has transformed itself into a people's movement.

Shri. Mylswamy Annadurai,

Padma Awarded & Former Director, ISRO

I am happier to see water in Kothavadi lake than finding water in moon..... Kousika Neerkarangal's works have great impact in western districts of Tamil Nadu for the coexistence agriculture, healthy living along with dense industrialisation. Additionally this effort has brought together a large number of performing youngsters with positive and proactive attitude towards green and clean nation.

Shri. Ramasamy Raveendran

Secretary at RAAC of Coimbatore

Where truth shines, success surrounds the Mahatma's promise. 7 years of successful journey of Kausika Waters I wish Kausika Waters strive to revive the water resources of the entire district of Coimbatore.

Mr. Jeyaseelan I.D.A.S

Nodal Officer for Jal Sakthi Abhiyan

"It's wonderful to witness the fantastic journey of Kousika Neerkarangal volunteers. I fondly recall the field visit to Thadagam Valley, where the streams of Chinnavedampatti lake originate. The overwhelming task of bringing water through Rajavaikkal to Chinnavedampatti lake project is a grand dream come true. I congratulate the Kousika Neerkarangal team on their past accomplishments and extend my best wishes for their future efforts."

Er. S. Sivalingam

Superintending Engineer, PWD/WRD</br>

Thiru. P.K.Selvaraj, the Founding Member of Kousika Neerkarangal, has been continuously striving hard towards rejuvenating the Kousika River in the Coimbatore Region for the past 12 years. He is instrumental in formation of Micro Level Organizations towards conservation and development of various water bodies in and around Coimbatore, besides being keenly involved in various afforestation drives. All his noble contributions to the Society are well appreciated by the Water Resources Department of Government of Tamilnadu. Congratulations & Best Wishes for moving with the same spirit and energy towards making this earth planet a better place to live !

Kranthi kumar Pati

Coimbatore district collector

"Water is life. Kausiga neerkarangal under the able leadership of Thiru P.K Selvaraj is doing a great service to nature and humanity by rejuvenating the water bodies and channels along the Kousika river. We could reap the benefits of their hard work during the north east monsoon season where the newly desilted lakes were filled to the brim. They have converted Water conservation into people's movement thus making it sustainable. I wish Kousika neerkarangal all the best in their future endeavors "

திரு.நாஞ்சில் நாடன்


மழைக்காலத்தில் எறும்புகள் தன் தலையில் முட்டைகளை மேட்டு நிலத்திற்கு சுமந்து செல்வது போல திரு.செல்வராஜ் அவர்களுடைய வழிகாட்டுதலின்படி ஊரு தோறும், குளங்களை தூர்வாரி செப்பனிடுகிற பணியில் சேர் உடைய கைகளாக நடந்து செல்லும் குழுவினருக்காக திரு. செல்வராஜ் அவர்களுக்கு எனது மிச்ச ஆயுளையும் தரலாம் என்ற எண்ணம் பிறக்கிறது.

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